with self-cleaning, disinfection and drying of the seat before each use. Automatic toilet flush. Touch-free set-off or by hand approach above the sensor.
1 750,00 € pre-tax price
€2,100.00 including VAT
Self-cleaning WC to be installed in any place where more people use the same toilet.
To be installed instead of traditional toilets, simply provide a power supply for the 230/12V transformer.
- Automatic WC with self-cleaning, disinfection, and drying of the seat and automatically sets off the toilet flush after each use.
- No-touch set-off by approaching the hand to the sensor.
- Rotation of the seat cycle: a water pressure wash mixed with Germibloc disinfectant product drying the seat after each use.
- Cycle time: 12 seconds
Total security
• 12 volt power supply by 230/12V external transformer.
• Immediate security turn-off of the device in case of an unusual movement.
• Manuel control button of the flush in case of a power cut.
• CE. Made in France.
Option double detection
Ref. SUP1065 = touch-free set-off of the wash cycle once the user leaves
OR approaches his hand to the sensor.
Disinfectant product GERMIBLOC™ Ref. SUP1090
- Dry product presented in a plastic container of 72 g, easy to handle and store.
- You need to replace the Germibloc™ product, once the red light flashes and the device makes 3 beep sounds at the end of its cycle, every 1000 use (could vary).
- NFEN 1275 Fungicide standard - NFEN 1040 Bactericide standard
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