robust and easy to clean
225,00 € pre-tax price
€270.00 including VAT
Hand wash all in one indispensable for all food businesses ans kitchens.
Made in stainless steel, equipped with a knee control by pressure, it responds to standards HACCP.
Applications: Food businesses (bakers, butchers, caterer, fishmonger…), cafeteria, fast foods, collective and traditional, bar, GMS, agricultural exploitations, wine sector and horticulture, aggro-food industries, pharmaceutical...
- Knee control by pressure temporized faucets 15 seconds.
- Ergonomic, easy to clean
- Goose-neck spout
- Sink and back splash mono bloc. High back splash allowing accessory installation (soap dispenser, nail brush)
- Rectangular sink
- Pre-mixed hot water / cold water with check valve
- Siphon included
- Simple fixation (template supplied)
- Made in France.
Option integrated bin (Ref. LVM-PB)
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