parfums de haute qualité, sous forme de vapeur sèche
475,00 € pre-tax price
€570.00 including VAT
NEBULI to perfume large interior spaces up to 1000 m³ = the ideal solution for users, such as hotels, lounges, spas, offices, shops...
The nebulization is an efficient pulverisation method of a perfume cloud with the help of a compressor: perfume cloud, not hot, not humid and without deposit!
This technology allows an optimized distribution of perfume in important volumes.
Possible to connect via a tube in the ventilation system / general air conditioning.
The electronic system of NEBULI allows to select in advance the time slots. It also allows to adjust in a precise way the intensity of the perfume dispenser (either with the help of the remote control, either directly on the cover), and also to take under consideration the needs and constraints of the user.
The device:
Small and science
Small electric consumption
Outside manufacture indicator
Simple program
La recharge :
Without gas nor pressure
Capacity: 500 ml
Consumption: high capacity, perfume consumption is around 1g per hour.
Easy and quickly change
Example for 2000 m3 : 2 Nebuli = 25 dispensers
High quality perfumes made in France for you well-bing, concentration pure.
DAVANIA a hint of warm, fruited and subtle pour a warm welcoming and a comfortable setting.
FRUIDO this fragrance, garden aspect, mixes successfully with a fruit sorbet and a powdered fruit feel. The melon and the apple dominate, after they mix bit by bit with a lily-of-the-valley smell, jasmine, before spreading on a wooded bed of green foam.
KIAORA travel invitation, this fragrance inspires sun fresh on the hot sand of the islands. Floral, fruited, contemporary, it's a seducing perfume with a happy and vibrant departure, marked by the peach and coconut, a flowered ensilage and orange tree on a vanilla background.
MISTRAL a floral bouquet orange flower, jasmine and green lily-of-the-valley, accompanied by a grapefruit bubble and the wooden heat and precise musk.
POMELOS the tone reveals being fresh and tonic. Experience the mixture of grapefruit with pineapple and juicy tangerine with white peach.
Development possibility of specific perfumes for a minimum of 25 recharges. Ideal for the olfactory marketing.
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